Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Home for Our Blog

Starting next week our blog will move to the following address

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

GLS Does It Again

Just finished a 3 weeks Arabic refresher class in Georgia this past week. Students took the DLPT 5 yesterday. GLS Did it again. We had a class Average of 2+ with a passing rate of 75%. Two out of the 8 students actually scored 3/3 and we had a couple of students who went up on the test from 0+ to 2+ in reading.
These are great results but I will continue to work on a 100% success rate for the class with at least 2+/2+. Any standard test can be beaten after a reasonable preparation time (in this case 3-4 weeks). DoD is lowering the passing grade on the test soon and I cannot wait to see how students score after one of my refresher classes with the new adjustments to the passing score.